When: Sunday, June 12, 2022 @ 1:00 p.m.
Place: Virtual Program
Speaker: Joyce Okazaki
Business Meeting: 2:00 pm meeting or after program
Program: Joyce Okazaki was born in the USA, and is a citizen. She should have been protected by the US Constitution. Instead, she and 120,000 others had their civil liberties taken away because of their ethnicity. They were uprooted from their homes, taken from their jobs, made to withdraw from college, and had to get rid of their possessions on short notice in order to obey U.S. Military orders to evacuate the West Coast, because of EO 9066 and Lt. General James L. DeWitt.
She has given talks on this historical period to many middle school and high school history classes, college social science class, and many civic, social, and religious groups. Most recently, she has given a class on YouTube for a discussion on discrimination and via Zoom to high school class in Illinois.

Image: Joyce Okazaki